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Level 2 SR Brought to you by

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Carol Brittin Chambers

Key - Eb

Time - 4/4

Tempo - Moderate march

1st four measures unison rhythms.


Clarinets and trumpets have parts that go from 2 part to unison in several places at 5.


12 is basically a repeat of first phrase, but at f.


At 20, low brass rhythm is half note, half note, quarter, eighth, eighth, quarter, quarter. Woodwinds is the opposite. @ 25 the trumpets come in with the quarter, eighth, eighth, quarter, quarter rhythm. Last four measures has unison rhythms. 


Upper winds and brass have a dotted half note with the low brass having quarter notes in a couple of spots.

When winds have a dotted half note, snare usually has sixteenths on count four.

The TC Baritone part does not match the BC baritone part on beat 1. If played as written, it should sound as if a wrong note was played.

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VERY PLAYABLE. Very straight forward. key of Eb. Only slurs in the piece are where the half notes are, and that's only 3-4 measures. The biggest thing she has that looks like it needs to be emphasized are the dynamics and accents. They change every 6-8 measures. 


Key - Eb

Time - 4/4

ERROR in the Clarinet 1 part. It jumps up an octave higher in one measure. Our region just covered up that measure and rewrote it. Haven’t heard anything from Gabe Musella about that error.  *NOTE:  Error has been fixed on part, but not on score

As written in their part, goes up to high Bb above the staff. 

Measure 38, Count 4, the oboe Eb should be up an 8va in unison with the flute

Moderate march tempo.  Low reeds and low brass have a Db accidental.  Staccato quarter notes show up throughout.

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1- 3 4 1 2& 3 4
1- 3 4 1——

Some have a whole rest in measure 1 and come in on measure 2.
Horns start on Eb.
Low Brass get melody that’s a repeat of first melody introduced. They need to play strong.
Upper Woodwinds get a new melody that has some changing 8th note patterns. Be sure to balance accompaniment to them.
Staccato quarter notes in accompaniment.
Percussion have whole note and half note rolls, flams, etc. (need a strong snare drum reader/player).
Timpani has some entrances on beat 3.
Ends on a tied whole note to an 8th note on beat 1.
Several dynamic changes, crescendos, decrescendos. Nothing surprising.
Be careful of concert A-flats.
Euph/Tuba have concert D-flats.
Remember that accidentals carry through the measures!
Very Playable. Just keep in mind the moderato march style.

More info:

The grade 2 Sight-reading is in eb. It has 2 occurrences of concert Dbs in the first 16 measures in the tenor and bass voices. Then the rest of the piece is all in key. March tempo. All the dynamic changes are measure long crescendos or decrecsendos in the last bar of a phrase. The last note is a whole note ff eb major chord. All the melody parts are doubled. Trumpet, flute, clarinet 1 have it at one point, alto sax and French horn at one spot, and all tenor and bass voices at another. The trombone and baritone parts are identical throughout. There is a juxtaposition of the background parts with staccato march style quarter notes against connected melody. Despite being labeled as march tempo, all the staccatos are marked. The melody is almost the same every time it is stated, each time with a new group. The dynamics were written as block dynamics, meaning that each time a new group gets the melody the background parts will need to back off to make melody prominent.

Tympani are F, Bb and Eb

Percussion:  Timpani, Bells, Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Crash Cymbals, Triangle


by William Carpenter

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